dezphaire: chess
dezphaire: unfocused vanity and a new toy
dezphaire: an ECD's corner
dezphaire: towers
dezphaire: splurt
dezphaire: teeth
dezphaire: sky and greens
dezphaire: steel and sky
dezphaire: bag of beans zoom out
dezphaire: bag of beans zoom in
dezphaire: sparkly green stuff
dezphaire: setting it up
dezphaire: digital are we?
dezphaire: flurry flowers
dezphaire: sparkly green stuff part 2
dezphaire: self portrait
dezphaire: vanity strikes flickr's explore!
dezphaire: vanity strikes again - but crooked
dezphaire: sale glorious sale
dezphaire: teriyaki and a boy
dezphaire: picture taking
dezphaire: ooh la la
dezphaire: like germs on a petri dish
dezphaire: halo
dezphaire: pins
dezphaire: save us! save us!