jenm.321: Chris & Todd - playing euchre
jenm.321: Eric, Suki & Justin
jenm.321: Eric & Suki
jenm.321: Kathie, Terry, Dave & Carol
jenm.321: Mmmm... pork!
jenm.321: More euchreing - Chris and Suki vs. Justin & Kathie
jenm.321: Chatting
jenm.321: Cards and more cards
jenm.321: Chow down!
jenm.321: Suki, Eric, Justin, Billy & Amanda
jenm.321: Hey Eric, could you stand there for a minute so I can focus the camera? Thanks.
jenm.321: Eric, Billy, Amanda, Justin, Jen, Chris, Kathie, Suki, Terry, Todd, Stewie, Darlene, Carol, Cyndy
jenm.321: Mom!
jenm.321: Mom!
jenm.321: Canal at Schoen Place, PIttsford, NY
jenm.321: Canal at Schoen Place, Pittsford, NY
jenm.321: Canal at Shoen Place, Pittsford, NY
jenm.321: Canal at Schoen Place, Pittsford, NY
jenm.321: The boys getting ready to go out on the waverunners
jenm.321: Lynne and Margaret
jenm.321: On the pontoon! Sherri, Tom, Isaac and Luke
jenm.321: Isaac driving the boat and Luke patiently waiting his turn