jenm.321: Eric and Jen
jenm.321: Joey and Eric - two graduates
jenm.321: ASU Wells Fargo Arena
jenm.321: We filled up ASU's WF Arena pretty well
jenm.321: Ethan
jenm.321: Ethan
jenm.321: Allison
jenm.321: Danielle
jenm.321: Chris gets 3 points
jenm.321: Chris gets a basket
jenm.321: Ethan
jenm.321: Chris and Ethan in the 'cold tub'
jenm.321: Caleb
jenm.321: Grammy Sue tries for 3
jenm.321: in the pool
jenm.321: Ethan... CANNONBALL!
jenm.321: Ethan
jenm.321: Ethan
jenm.321: Ethan
jenm.321: Grammy Sue tries for 2 points
jenm.321: Ethan
jenm.321: Ethan and Avery jump!
jenm.321: Ethan and Avery jump!
jenm.321: Avery jumps in
jenm.321: Eric exiting from the colon
jenm.321: Justin wins! But is that a good thing?
jenm.321: Justin apparently has no brain activity
jenm.321: Justin gearing up
jenm.321: Justin on the 'skycycle'
jenm.321: Justin on the 'skycycle'