MLuotio: Giardini Naxos Bay
MLuotio: madonna della rocca in parellel with one of the many Taormina churches
MLuotio: Porta Catania
MLuotio: Taormina sub-urbs at night
MLuotio: Almost an ocean view!
MLuotio: Almost an ocean view! - 2
MLuotio: Castello Saraceno from Taormina
MLuotio: Greek theater
MLuotio: Archeology in progress
MLuotio: Madonna della rocca from Greek theater
MLuotio: Taormina from Greek theater
MLuotio: Greek theater - Close-up
MLuotio: Greek theater - Right-side
MLuotio: Greek theater - Amazing...
MLuotio: Greek theater - Obelisk
MLuotio: Greek theater - Roman Obelisk
MLuotio: Taormina steps
MLuotio: Taormina steps - The lame fountain
MLuotio: Lovers in the garden
MLuotio: Stash of purple
MLuotio: Headless dude
MLuotio: Soldiers pass
MLuotio: Mini bananas?
MLuotio: Poem on a garden bench
MLuotio: Taormina at evening
MLuotio: Taormina at evening - 2
MLuotio: Baroque lamps
MLuotio: View from the gardens
MLuotio: Cypress hill
MLuotio: Thelma e Louise