dewollewei: Sophie ( frontpage explore )
dewollewei: pee ka boo
dewollewei: It was on the news Yeti exist ! we allready knew that ! :)
dewollewei: "Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring -- it was peace. " -- Milan Kundera
dewollewei: dune babes * explore *
dewollewei: winter snow dog
dewollewei: Yin Yang
dewollewei: the lighthouse keeper
dewollewei: we 're back... * explore !
dewollewei: pee ka boo
dewollewei: playing in the dandelions fields...
dewollewei: Happy run..
dewollewei: Spring is in the air..
dewollewei: Sophie * explore *
dewollewei: The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
dewollewei: under the acer tree
dewollewei: a real gentleman
dewollewei: between the lavender
dewollewei: playing in the leaves
dewollewei: Sarah
dewollewei: doggie's day out...
dewollewei: Rhea Sophie and Lisa
dewollewei: happy autumn run * explore *
dewollewei: Autumn geetings * explore *
dewollewei: into the green.. * explore *
dewollewei: Waiting for Santa
dewollewei: dutch polar bears * explore *
dewollewei: run... ( als een duveltje uit een doosje... ) :)
dewollewei: fields of morning gold * explore *
dewollewei: beams of light * explore *