dewollewei: golden sunrise "explore"
dewollewei: three days till Christmas " explore "
dewollewei: Scarlett " explore "
dewollewei: Scarlett " explore "
dewollewei: Autumn portrait " explore "
dewollewei: autumn portrait " explore "
dewollewei: hmm nobody home at the moment.. ;) " explore "
dewollewei: treasure your dog, as your dog treasure's you....
dewollewei: the journey of life is sweeter, when traveled with a dog.
dewollewei: Cow watching...
dewollewei: our helpdesk is ready to answer all your questions....
dewollewei: crisis meeting
dewollewei: Lucy making a right turn, working in the flower garden....
dewollewei: Earth laughs in flowers ( and puppies ). Ralph Waldo Emerson
dewollewei: daddy's little girl.....
dewollewei: love is a four legged word
dewollewei: What's for lunch today ?
dewollewei: Tea my dear?
dewollewei: waiting in line
dewollewei: just passing by...
dewollewei: your cappuccino Miss....
dewollewei: one sausage please....
dewollewei: Breaking News
dewollewei: I'am so tired....
dewollewei: golden sunrise
dewollewei: checking my bankaccount...
dewollewei: one happy meal, there you go... thank you....
dewollewei: snow snow snow
dewollewei: Each day is a new beginning..
dewollewei: Love life, engage in it, Give it all you've got, love it with a passion, because life truly give doed give back, many times over what you put in to it. Maya Angelou