nature55: Gooooooose
nature55: Northern Hawk Owl
nature55: Baltimore Oriole
nature55: Nuts for Breakfast
nature55: Kiss my.....feathers!
nature55: Female Northern Cardinal
nature55: It's still winter
nature55: It's snowing on me again!
nature55: American Robin
nature55: And the main course is......Thistle seed!
nature55: Dinner for Mr. Jay
nature55: Ya gotta love migration!
nature55: Which one is Oranger?
nature55: Splish Splash!!!
nature55: Eastern Kingbird
nature55: Northwoods Goldfinch
nature55: Common Yellowthroat
nature55: Happy Feathery Friday the 13th!!!
nature55: Cedar Waxwing
nature55: Black-Capped Chickadee
nature55: Junco
nature55: A Robin came to see me today...
nature55: The leaves are gone....
nature55: Beautiful Morning Cardinal
nature55: If there were Beauty Pagents for birds...
nature55: First Snow for the Cardinal
nature55: Beauty on a Gray Day
nature55: Sharp-shinned Hawk
nature55: Have a Ducky New Year!!!