Dew Drop: ...whoever said that life was going to be a bed of roses?!?
Dew Drop: an unkempt solitude in a long drawn silence
Dew Drop: Each one of them - lonely in a crowd
Dew Drop: ...and then we got snow
Dew Drop: Wishing for victory (like i was leaving for war :P)
Dew Drop: Frost's "Yellow wood"?
Dew Drop: A walk to remember
Dew Drop: Second Spring
Dew Drop: Still Joy
Dew Drop: "Every leaf is a miracle"
Dew Drop: "How the leaves came down"
Dew Drop: fall and pride
Dew Drop: Delicious Fall!
Dew Drop: strength
Dew Drop: not too cozy, but 'Home'!
Dew Drop: outstanding
Dew Drop: spirited stroll
Dew Drop: meanderings...
Dew Drop: free-flow
Dew Drop: leaving colour...
Dew Drop: dew's sister - rain ;)
Dew Drop: My Notepad
Dew Drop: ...hiding
Dew Drop: White trail - uncorrupted!
Dew Drop: Why?
Dew Drop: pink love
Dew Drop: DSC08375
Dew Drop: DSC08371
Dew Drop: trilogy