devoresphotos: It holds a thingy up to life!
devoresphotos: She turned me into a newt!
devoresphotos: Fixing things, as ever!
devoresphotos: Wyrd Stagehands!
devoresphotos: Is this a prop I see before me?
devoresphotos: No fool!
devoresphotos: Arent ye just goooorgeous!
devoresphotos: or not..... :)
devoresphotos: Stabbed through the arras!
devoresphotos: Ready for saturday night!
devoresphotos: Granny gets her face on!
devoresphotos: Catching up with news in the kingdom...
devoresphotos: A thesbian!!
devoresphotos: Attack!!!
devoresphotos: Charge!!!
devoresphotos: Hwel gets things mixed up....
devoresphotos: Its hard work being a demon!
devoresphotos: They whisper to me....
devoresphotos: One is somewhat amused...
devoresphotos: Its in thy bloody hand man!!
devoresphotos: ummm....
devoresphotos: a break from haunting...
devoresphotos: The king and I....
devoresphotos: man, you look like you just saw a ghost!