Devlik Photography:
Homeless man on State Street, Madison, WI
Devlik Photography:
Homeless man on State Street, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Polar bear in Vilas Zoo, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Bartender at Natspil, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Girl in light Milwaukee Art Musuem
Devlik Photography:
Capitol in the fog, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Capitol Square in the fog, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Capitol Square in the fog, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
UW Madison in the fog
Devlik Photography:
Snow storm in Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Rain and Neon on State Street, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
State Sreet in the rain, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Badger Liqour, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Greenbush Bakery at night in the rain, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Ag Building UW Madison
Devlik Photography:
Ally off State Street, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Library Mall at night, Madison, WI
Devlik Photography:
Horses during sunset near Broadhead, wI
Devlik Photography:
Man cleaning Wisconsin Trade Center, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Walkers Point, Milwaukee, WI
Devlik Photography:
Homeless man in Cincinnati, OH
Devlik Photography:
Sunrise at the House of Adam, Cincinnati, OH
Devlik Photography:
Very tiny frog, Cincinnati, OH
Devlik Photography:
Man selling snocones and icecream in 38F weather, Rock Falls, IL
Devlik Photography:
lovers walking in the rain, State Street, Madison, WI
Devlik Photography:
Man smoking on State Street, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Bar on State Street, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Musician on Sate Street. Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Bar Patron, State Street, Madison WI
Devlik Photography:
Waiting for bus, Milwaukee WI