The Kerala Beach where we spent my birthday and our anniversary. This is the view from our terrace.
Our hotel spanned property on both sides of the water. The restaurant was on one side and half of the rooms, reception and the offices were on the other. The staff and guests go back and forth all day long. The boatman works really hard to carry this off
Although it's the rainy season, the weather has been mostly great. We've enjoyed a few gorgeous sunsets and have actually had very little rain. Climate change appears to be very evident here. The rains folks remember from their childhoods just don't happe
The current pulled a lot of rubbish onto this stretch of beach and the crows were in HEAVEN! It was a wild thing to watch.
The India Railway is the largest employer in the world, over a million employees. They also offer generous discounts to people for all sorts of reasons: researchers, unemployed folks going for interviews, heart patients....the list goes on and on.
Trvinandrum traffic. Not so bad really. These vehicles are known as autos and they are used for short trips within cities.
On the train to Madurai. We were absorbed into a group of guys traveling to Madurai to visit the famous eye hospital there. They showed us tremendous hospitality and the ride went by in no time.
Madurai is a medieval city built around an amazing and massive temple. It's soooooo colorful! I loved this city and I hope to get back there before the end of the summer.