deviler: In the DC Visitors' shop
deviler: the capitol
deviler: the capitol
deviler: Capitol from Newseum
deviler: Phil looking pensive
deviler: Washington Monument after Sunday concert
deviler: The Capitol, all dressed up
deviler: me at the capitol
deviler: view from the capitol
deviler: Capitol again
deviler: Ulysses Grant and the mall
deviler: Washington Monument in the background
deviler: one last look
deviler: Grant again
deviler: Capitol and drained reflecting pool
deviler: pretty sky
deviler: almost sunset
deviler: Union Station
deviler: Union Station
deviler: view from the North
deviler: a dog in a stroller
deviler: close-up
deviler: coveted seats
deviler: flags and bunting
deviler: seating area
deviler: where the man stood
deviler: Bush's final night
deviler: my friend Andy
deviler: Anderson Cooper
deviler: the biggest collection of Porta-Jons ever