John Suder: The "Misfit" Table
John Suder: Birgit, Bob, John
John Suder: John and Andy
John Suder: The Mysterious Ed Halbe™, Johnnyboy and Bobby P
John Suder: Okim and Sean, collecting the loot.
John Suder: Vira checks to see if I have any loose change.
John Suder: Andy and Vira
John Suder: Vira checking the look.
John Suder: The Famous 'Andy Wave™'
John Suder: Okim and Vira, BFF
John Suder: Sean and his brother, probably mocking someone.
John Suder: Some kids Bar Mitzvah leftovers...
John Suder: CIMG0244.JPG
John Suder: Some liked the objects more than others.
John Suder: Okim models the found objects...
John Suder: Mazel Tov, Sean.
John Suder: Sean and Greg
John Suder: John and Vira