Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat and Elbereth settle in
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat claims the top bunk
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat helps with the shopping
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat tells adventures to Elbereth
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat entertains the younglings
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat and Boba enjoy first class
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat smells the flowers
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat watches the water fall
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Puddy cat reads a magazine on the train
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat enjoys the return of the sun
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat goes with the twins to the doctors
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat has fun on the swings
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat helps with the laundry
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat has fun in her den
Jedi Photographer (May the focus be with me): Pirate cat admires the new fence