deva_sarasvati: First look, from the ground
deva_sarasvati: Sentinel?
deva_sarasvati: Roosting (you can see the hose used - with motion detector & sprinkler - to deter them)
deva_sarasvati: Fleeing the open trapdoor
deva_sarasvati: These three stuck it out the longest
deva_sarasvati: We counted about 35 total, waiting for us to get off the roof
deva_sarasvati: kettling
deva_sarasvati: Unclear if the branches are bare from acidic droppings or from being stripped
deva_sarasvati: circling the interlopers (us)
deva_sarasvati: Comparison between three vulture trees and other trees
deva_sarasvati: roof damage--the birds are pecking at the black rubber
deva_sarasvati: The vultures leave their mark on a newer tree