deva_sarasvati: The spread!
deva_sarasvati: Even Simon is in a turkey coma
deva_sarasvati: Tom, Lena, and Bob digesting all the deliciousness
deva_sarasvati: Debbie and Nigel stopped by
deva_sarasvati: totally fake smile-for-the-camera smile
deva_sarasvati: Jerry scores a Cowboy's tshirt
deva_sarasvati: Basher stomps us both at Sorry
deva_sarasvati: Bree's new lovely necklace
deva_sarasvati: they tell me he will grow right into it...
deva_sarasvati: Bree and Bob after dinner
deva_sarasvati: xmas wrasslin
deva_sarasvati: more wrasslin
deva_sarasvati: Sock knitting