Sandi Amorim: Sometimes we have to destroy what seems perfectly reasonable to others in order to create what we most desire in our lives. Do you trust and go for it anyway, or give in to the idea of destiny? #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: We all want to belong and sometimes we suppress our true nature in order to do so. But what if we just stopped? What if we got real about who we are and what we want? Be the exception, and live like that. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #God
Sandi Amorim: If it doesn't light you up, stop doing it. Cue updated Stop Doing list! #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #teamsyd
Sandi Amorim: Sunlit guidance. Fierce but flexible - this #truthbomb reminds me that it's ok to be fierce. Sometimes I try to suppress this part of myself, but obviously, that doesn't work! Paired with Parvati who makes all things possible, I'm absorbing this messag
Sandi Amorim: You'll do it when you're ready. Will you? I've done lots of things before I felt ready, and waited way past the point of readiness with others. Mostly, I've found that following the energy and trusting myself has more impact than readiness. #desir
Sandi Amorim: Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian tribe!
Sandi Amorim: Love the necessary hard work, and trust that Ganesh has your back. Absorbing today's pairing, and letting go of the outcome. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses #latestart
Sandi Amorim: If doubt is part of the creative process, let's lighten up and enjoy the ride. That's what I told myself this morning as I sat down to some creative planning. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: Ecstasy is your birthright. I forget this sometimes, and fall into periods of manic thinking and doing. I forget that ecstasy is possible when I'm focused on making things happen. What if ecstasy paves the way to things happening with greater ease?
Sandi Amorim: What if dreams have a lifespan? Do you hang onto them longer than is useful? And what would happen if you simply let them go...? #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: Don't avoid the messiness of life. It's there the messages come through... some days, loud and clear. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses #ganesh
Sandi Amorim: Determination is beautiful when it's directed and of service. Notice, does it energize or drain you? #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: Less obligation, more choice. Less mindless yes, more mindful no. Ganesh-approved wisdom. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: Are you willing to be seen? #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: When Sri Vishnu accompanies this #truthbomb I know something big is about to happen! #desiremap #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: What are you focused on? Stop the distractions and tolerations. Give yourself to anything that moves you, and lights up your soul. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: Everywhere, signs to go deeper, beyond where I've gone before. Some days I want to ignore the signs, bury my head in the pillow and step off the path I've chosen. Except I'm not done with it yet, or more accurately, it's not done with me. So I call
Sandi Amorim: You know yourself best, and rather than discount that, take it in as the most valuable information. Use it to make a difference in your own life and dreams. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: What are your fantasies trying to tell you? Mine are whispering MORE. More travel, more writing, more workshops and retreats. More living out loud. More devotion. Not that fantastical really. #desiremap #truthbomb #g#howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesse
Sandi Amorim: Your soul is rooting for you. Remember this when you want to give up. Remember when you have a choice to make. Remember it always because it will bring you back to your core. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: Authenticity. Being real. Being yourself no matter the circumstance. That is the opportunity and invitation today. Authenticity is magnetic. What does that mean to you? #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: I pull this card, Vrinda Devi, Goddess of Devotion often, and she has me continue to ask, "What am I devoted to?" The answer is sometimes uncomfortable. Can I be with the discomfort of my desires and devotions? Can you? #desiremap #truthbomb #GodsandG
Sandi Amorim: I don't usually pull cards twice in one day, but I pulled these two when I remembered it was 9/11. A wake-up call from the past to stop tolerating, stop hating, stop doing shit that drains the life out of you. Now is the time to love more, and DO more
Sandi Amorim: What inspires you? Inspire is to breathe life into something, so what I find inspiring in turn breathes life into me; a reciprocal relationship of life force and creativity. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: Go ahead and plan, but leave room for spontaneity. That's what I told myself when I pulled the cards this morning. I can get too caught up in the planning. I can also become obsessed with open, spacious unplannjng. And so I find my way back to centre
Sandi Amorim: Is your future energizing or draining you? Let's create one that makes you come alive. #desiremap #embodyingdesire
Sandi Amorim: Free from the constraints of the past, from relationships that don't work, from obligations and shit you said yes to. Imagine being that kind of free. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays
Sandi Amorim: You're not alone. Even in those moments when you think you are, you're not. Go ahead and feel the emotion, but let it blow on by until you remember otherwise. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: This #truthbomb always make me smile, a frequent reminder to step up and own who I am. #desiremap #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses
Sandi Amorim: When I make time for myself first thing in the morning, my creativity really amps up, and like the sun rising, it becomes a reliable source of energy. #desiremap #truthbomb #howIplanmydays #GodsandGoddesses