destebani: Los ansiados tickets
destebani: Spaniards in Forbidden City
destebani: One World One dream garden
destebani: Chinese Supporters
destebani: Con algunos olímpicos españoles
destebani: One dream - One crossroad
destebani: One World One Dream
destebani: Montandola con la mascota !!
destebani: Ritmo Latino !
destebani: Spanish supporters on front of olimpic stadium
destebani: Zona olímpica
destebani: Torre olímpica
destebani: Detail of the olympic tower
destebani: The nest is impressive !!
destebani: Nido y fuego olímpico
destebani: Nest and flame
destebani: Nest and gardens
destebani: Double nest
destebani: El nido
destebani: The nest
destebani: Spanish supporters lost in Beijing
destebani: Unidos por una banderita
destebani: Flapy flipao olimpico
destebani: Running in colors
destebani: Drinking Tsing-Tao together
destebani: Spanish and South-Korean supporters
destebani: La puerta sin nombre...
destebani: Past and present together in Beijing
destebani: El Beijing Olímpico
destebani: Flapy y la llama olímpica de fondo