destebani: Daianji Youkoso
destebani: Looking around
destebani: Walking next to the bamboo
destebani: Bambou liquor on the rocks
destebani: Bambou liquor with ice
destebani: Ready for serve from the bambou
destebani: Drinking sake in the early morning
destebani: Comentando la jugada
destebani: Tranquility
destebani: Perfect Obi
destebani: Three girls in Kimono
destebani: Kimono girls with uchiwa
destebani: El flautista de Hamelin se lleva las kimoneras
destebani: Yukata girls and Flautist from below
destebani: Yukata girls and Flautist portrait
destebani: Listenting carefully
destebani: Girl in Yukata holding a Parasol
destebani: Laughing with parasol
destebani: Posing kana...
destebani: Flowers, Kimono and smile
destebani: Next to the flowers
destebani: Buddhist Monks Blessing
destebani: Cheerful chat
destebani: DSC_0181
destebani: Nuevos retos