Members of SEIU Local 105, rallied at the State capitol in Denver in support of a Home Care Workers Bill of Rights. Members of SEIU Local 105, rallied at the State capitol in Denver in support of a Home Care Workers Bill of Rights. Members of SEIU Local 105, rallied at the State capitol in Denver in support of a Home Care Workers Bill of Rights. Having to live "paycheck to paycheck" is an issue for this home care worker who rallied at the state capitol for living wages, better benefits and increased staffing. Disability activist from the group ADAPT, speaks at a rally for a "Homecare Worker Bill of Rights in Denver, Co. Disability activist from the group ADAPT, speaks at a rally for a "Homecare Worker Bill of Rights in Denver, Co. Disability activist from the group ADAPT, speaks at a rally for a "Homecare Worker Bill of Rights in Denver, Co. This airport worker, rallied at the State Capitol in support of home care workers. Members of the union UNITE HERE! and the Party for Socialism & Liberation were among the crowd at a rally in Denver for a "Home Care Worker Bill of Rights Having to live "paycheck to paycheck" is an issue for this home care worker who rallied at the state capitol for living wages, better benefits and increased staffing. An organizer for the Service Employees Union (SEIU) leads a chant at a rally in Denver, Co., for a "Home Care Worker Bill of Rights Some recipients of home care, like this woman, were among those who rallied at the State Capitol in Denver for the Home Care Worker Bill of Rights. Health care workers as well as airport employees joined the rally at the State Capitol for the Colorado Home Care Workers Bill Of Rights. These drivers for ride share comapnies, and members of the Communications Workers union, joined the rally for a Home Care Worker Bill of Rights. Recipients of home care, some disabled, were among those who rallied at the State Capitol in Denver for the Home Care Worker Bill of Rights. Recipients of home care, some disabled, were among those who rallied at the State Capitol in Denver for the Home Care Worker Bill of Rights. Members of SEIU Local 105, rallied at the State capitol in Denver in support of a Home Care Workers Bill of Rights. Recipients of home care, some disabled, were among those who rallied at the State Capitol in Denver for the Home Care Worker Bill of Rights. Home care workers, members of SEIU Local 105, rallied at the State capitol in Denver in support of a Home Care Workers Bill of Rights. Home care workers, some of the people they serve and other supporters, rallied at the State Capitol in Denver to to demand a Home Care Workers Bill Of Rights. This home care worker, asking for better pay, a safe workplace and respect, was among the SEIU members who rallied at the State Capitol in Denver. Home care workers, like these two men, rallied at the State capitol for better pay and benefits. Members of SEIU Local 105, rallied at the State capitol in Denver in support of a Home Care Workers Bill of Rights. Home care worker smocks laid out on the lawn of the State Capitol in Denver to symbolize the thousands who have left the profession because of poverty level wages and unsafe working conditions, causing a staffing shortage crisis.