Two young African-American girls marching, one holds up sign "black lives matter", other marchers behind them. African-American man drinking from coffee cup, holding up picture of Martin Luther King, other protest marchers in the background. Large group of MLK Day marchers, including African-American woman waving, another woman talking on cellphone, one woamn taking a cellphone picture. one woman speaking into a bullhorn. Two young African-American girls holding up sign about "Dr King's legacy", other MLK Day marchers in fron of them including man wearing Denver Broncos cap. Group of young boys at MLK Day parade, smiling and laughing, behind them woman gestures with hands while talking to woman next to her. Afican-American in MLK Day parade, pushing child in stroller, wife next to him, protesters behind them carry upside down American flag, including one wearing Guy Fawkes/anonymous mask. Large group of marchers at MLK Day parade including two holding up banner that reads "Black Resistance Matters". Group of MLK Day marchers including African-American man holding young daughter up on his shoulders, in background another protester holds up sign that reads "Let People Vote". African-American woman wearing shirt depicting Barack Obama and Martin Luther King, gestures with hands while talking to woamn next to her, other MLK Day marchers in the beckground. Teachers marching in MLK Day parade, including one holding up a large American flag, another holds up sign reading "Si Se Puede". Two young boys marching in MLK day parade, one holding up sign, "Don't Shoot Me". African-American mother smiling, marching with two children in MLK Day parade. Denver Police Chief, Robert White marching in MLK Day parade, other marchers around him. Two African-American women marching together on MLK Day, others marching behind them. Four young African-American girls marching together in MLK Day parade, one holds up sign "Blacks Lives Matter", large group of marchers in the background. Young African-American woman marching with fist raised in the air,man raising sign above his head behind her. Group of protesters lying or sitting on the street as group of police officers look down at them, other protesters in the background. Protesters lying or sitting in the street, including young African-American girl holding sign above her head and man holding up sign "Occupy Racism". Two young African-American children lying on the street in protest, mother lying beside them. African-American, bowing head and hands folded in prayer, other protesters sitting in street next to him. Three young children wearing t-shirts that read "Let Me Live", one speaking on a cellphone. Three young African-American girls with arms around each other, walking in MLK Day parade, other marchers in background. Man and woman clapping at MLK Day rally, young girl with sunglasses on sitting between them. Older African-American man and woman listening to speaker at MLK Day rally, behind thyem, man wearing jacket with Presiedention Seal on it. Large group of protesters at MLK Day rally holding hands up in the air. Senior woamn sitting on step holding photo portrait of Martin Luther King and picture of President Barack Obama and American flag. African-American woman holds sign above her head about black workers, in front of her a young African-American man. African-American, bowing head and hands folded in prayer, other protesters sitting in street next to him.