desl: Sunfish (ok Technically it's a Scorpion)
desl: Transom: the first area of repair
desl: Rudder Hardware
desl: Something's not right here.
desl: The screw head was stripped...
desl: Aluminum oxidation
desl: Getting ready to cut.
desl: Drywall saw? Why not?
desl: The hole is cut
desl: Another picture of the hole
desl: Cross Section of the Transom
desl: Previous owners attempting repairs
desl: The wooden backing plate before fitting.
desl: Coated in epoxy before installation
desl: Applying Pressure
desl: The handle on the BBQ was just about the right height
desl: Cold drink, anyone?
desl: While you're restoring your sunfish, fill the cockpit with ice and keep drinks cold.
desl: Mixing Resin and Hardener
desl: Adding the fairing compound
desl: Fairing the repair part 1
desl: Fairing the repair: Trying again
desl: How thick?
desl: Fairing the repair: Got it right!