Desiree Koh: I am not sure Luke Mangan's Salt is the best tapas around, but if you stopped thinking of it as a tapas bar (traditional or modern) and a spot where there are some outstanding dishes, then you'll be OK. Tempura prawn tacos are one of them.
Desiree Koh: Beetroot, anchovy, feta, and spinach salad with pine nuts and extraordinarily super-sized croutons at Salt Tapas + Bar.
Desiree Koh: Oh man - pumpkin with an ever-so-light dusting of curry spices, like the whiff of pre-Thanksgiving snow.
Desiree Koh: You know that scene in "Far and Away" when all the Irish stake their claim on virgin American land? Ubin is like that for durian seekers.
Desiree Koh: Of durian bondage.
Desiree Koh: At Pulau Ubin Seafood Restaurant for The Drinking Partners' Beer Experiment, featuring extreme, cult beers paired with Things You Normally Wouldn't Think To Pair With Beer.
Desiree Koh: Chit sheets. This lighting is all legit, by the way. I don't Instagram or Whattagram pictures.
Desiree Koh: On Pulau Ubin, food orders are taken at a clip. No tap-tap-tap computer screens.
Desiree Koh: Beermaster Lincoln Goh of The Drinking Partners introduces the Beer Experiment line-up, his royal subjects pay attention.
Desiree Koh: Texas has Leatherface; the waters around Ubin have leatherfish.
Desiree Koh: Pulau Ubin Seafood Restaurant's "open secret" is wild boar fried with leeks.
Desiree Koh: Boozy ang moh bamboozled!
Desiree Koh: At brunch at O Batignolles Wine Bar & French Bistrot, where a nice viennoiserie selection makes me so happy.
Desiree Koh: Anne's Salad - lettuce, cherry tomatoes and corn (I subbed out for bacon) with goat cheese slightly melted on baguette (<3) slices with a love touch of honey.
Desiree Koh: All the tea in Chinatown.
Desiree Koh: Sha la la shakshuka at Suprette - subbed out the lamb sausages for mushrooms, loved the zing of the tomato sauce, eggs perfectly poached (even though I only had the whites), smart feta.
Desiree Koh: Well-made homemade baked beans are really a gem, ya know? At Suprette, they're not too sweet, kidney beans still pert, faint trace of smoke.
Desiree Koh: Argh, Windowsill Pies, why are you in my neighborhood now. I like your Smore pie, but I kinda prefer if it wasn't so small.
Desiree Koh: Buying tickets for the wayang (Chinese opera), picking seats.
Desiree Koh: A Cantonese play was being staged this evening - I don't know what it's called, but I sure wished my Ah Ma was there with me.
Desiree Koh: It was a comedy, lots of gleeful chuckles from the audience.
Desiree Koh: Chinese opera in Singapore.
Desiree Koh: Chinese opera in Singapore.
Desiree Koh: Chinese opera in Singapore.
Desiree Koh: Chinese opera in Singapore.
Desiree Koh: Chinese opera in Singapore.
Desiree Koh: Chinese opera intermission in Singapore.
Desiree Koh: Marmite, emmental and tomatoes on toasted sourdough after a long bike ride, at Penny University.
Desiree Koh: Cherry pie by Windowsill Pies at Penny University.
Desiree Koh: Crazy ass massive spider on Mount Belumut today - is it on HGH? It's the Sammy Sosa spider.