Desiree Koh:
I had to have seafood for my first meal in Norway - mussels in cream sauce at Meat Market in Oslo.I had to have seafood for my first meal in Norway - mussels in cream sauce at Meat Market in Oslo.
Desiree Koh:
Food friends. :)
Desiree Koh:
With just 24 hours in Oslo, I didn't get to see much except for the Slonakers and Bruce - that's good enough for me!
Desiree Koh:
I have a huge crush on brunest, Norwegian brown cheese made from goat's milk. I can't get enough of it!
Desiree Koh:
The train ride from Oslo to Bergen is one of the most scenic journeys in the world, and Bergen is one of the world's rainiest cities.
Desiree Koh:
Except I actually thought it looked pretty - train and rain - that's a great film noir waiting to happen.
Desiree Koh:
When we studied Ibsen in high school and Mr. Purvis talked about the depressing weather that inspires suicidal Nordic literature, this was always how I imagined it to look like.
Desiree Koh:
Wind, rain, cold - the perfect setting for hearty Norwegian comfort food at Pingvinen (The Penguin) when we got to Bergen.
Desiree Koh:
Pingvinen is all about local ingredients cooked the way Mor made dinner.
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At Pygmalion Cafe for breakfast, which I recommend with all my gullet.
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Peekaboo inside my crepe! Yeah, I ordered the double shot.
Desiree Koh:
Caroline sticks her fork into where the sun don't shine in this homemade chocolate carrot cake.
Desiree Koh:
The cruise ship tourists can have their Bryggen but WE'LL take the Leprosy Museum.
Desiree Koh:
No dragons in the dungeons at Rosencrantz Tower, the former governor's residence.
Desiree Koh:
Medieval toilets amuse me. #PottyHumor
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Flexing some mussels.
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I hate to sound jaded, but once you've been to Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, the promenade in Ostend, Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo...
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There are so many tourists from all over the world that prices are listed in various currencies, from the euro to renmingbi.
Desiree Koh:
Cannery roe.
Desiree Koh:
Bergen fisketorget.
Desiree Koh:
Bergen fisketorget.
Desiree Koh:
Seafood cooked to order.
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It's kind of annoying that some of the seafood is from Alaska, Canada and France, but I felt like I had to eat something local, so I asked for a few crustaceans from the Arctic Sea.
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The pre-requisite Norwegian salmon sandwich with shrimp and roe.
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Bergen fisketorget.
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Hang moose.
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Tre Kronor polser stand - the stuff of late night wiener dreams.
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If you've got a sunny day with blue skies in Bergen, Norway, you'd best cling on to it for dear life!
Desiree Koh:
Mansions on the hills surrounding Bergen.
Desiree Koh:
Before I got to Scandinavia, I was of the belief that absolutely no one on earth can do bread better than the French.