Desiree Koh: A fishmonger's chopping block.
Desiree Koh: Stacks of fish, and a few visitors.
Desiree Koh: Chickens.
Desiree Koh: Yellow rubber boots - part of the uniform of an Asian market grocer.
Desiree Koh: Market chaos.
Desiree Koh: We lingered quite a while at this vegetable stall - the lady who owned it was incredibly sweet and amenable to having us trawl all over shooting her, and her wares.
Desiree Koh: Veggie auntie.
Desiree Koh: Veggie tales.
Desiree Koh: Veggie tales, again.
Desiree Koh: One of the very few shots of Mr. Pork Guy, who hammed it up quite a bit for us, but is actually getting some work done here.
Desiree Koh: Market basket.
Desiree Koh: Crack guy.
Desiree Koh: Plastic bags.
Desiree Koh: Storekeeper.
Desiree Koh: Staples.
Desiree Koh: The market.
Desiree Koh: Limes.
Desiree Koh: Sign of the times.
Desiree Koh: At the same stall, two pieces of canvas made up the "back wall" of the stall, and also a beautiful backdrop.
Desiree Koh: This guys sold braised pork belly and roast chicken from 70-year-old family recipes, something he has done everyday for the last 40 years.
Desiree Koh: It's in the bag.
Desiree Koh: Joss shelf.
Desiree Koh: Joss - close-up.
Desiree Koh: Joss - long shot.
Desiree Koh: Incense spiral.
Desiree Koh: A man finds his fortune.
Desiree Koh: Donation box.
Desiree Koh: Temple chores.
Desiree Koh: Somewhere in the recesses of Kuan Ti Temple, a spiral staircase - once common in Singapore and Malaysia in the 20th century (!), now not so.