Desiree Koh: After our airbourne safari on Tiger Airways, we arrived at the Courtyard by Marriott.
Desiree Koh: Great hotel choice by Pak! Dim the lights, and it could be a W.
Desiree Koh: For some reason, hotels in Thailand always insist on filling out a card with details for every room and every occupant must sign in.
Desiree Koh: Finally, dinnertime!
Desiree Koh: Navigating language barriers and the potential dangers of confusion caused by 15 hungry people ordering at the same time.
Desiree Koh: Lightly pan-fried gyoza, good.
Desiree Koh: Buffalo wings -- paltry, chilli padi and lemongrass to enhance the taste, not a bad thought.
Desiree Koh: We passed around this banana fruit thing to try. It was a weird, cardboard texture.
Desiree Koh: No one liked it, not at our end of the table anyway.
Desiree Koh: Tentative.
Desiree Koh: Ribs as an appetizer? Weird notion, but it wasn't bad, although the sauce a bit weak.
Desiree Koh: Fresh spring rolls, lovely.
Desiree Koh: Irv got the biggest surprise when hisentree arrived as a whole steamed fish. It was good!
Desiree Koh: Cheryl's half-baked half roast chicken.
Desiree Koh: Dion's Momo Burger, Pei had one, too. I think the reviews were good.
Desiree Koh: Kev's Philly Cheese Steak. Well, you don't come to Thailand for a Philly Cheese Steak. Philadelphians would be horrified to see this.
Desiree Koh: My "healthy" herb-based red curry with steak. It's healthy because there's no coconut milk in it. It was tasty and good enough.
Desiree Koh: Ahh... dessert time! Tiramisu, which wasn't supposed to be served, but which I accepted on behalf of everyone.
Desiree Koh: Not warm apple tart, but not bad.
Desiree Koh: Carrot cake, with a little mangosteen marzipan thing. Those who tasted said it was like ang ku kueh.
Desiree Koh: Mango sticky rice, the stalwart dessert.
Desiree Koh: Brownie with ice cream.
Desiree Koh: My American breakfast with British baked beans and Thai congee to start the day. Happy new year!
Desiree Koh: While part of the group decided to spend a day relaxing and shopping, another contingent went to Ayuthaya, the former capital of Siam, by train.
Desiree Koh: A train pulling in.
Desiree Koh: Our train.
Desiree Koh: Haircut by the tracks.