Desiree Koh: There are a million pratas on the Spize menu.
Desiree Koh: As computer printouts churned out prata orders, this prata dude efficiently and expertly creates the order.
Desiree Koh: Pratas frying away.
Desiree Koh: Spize is a multi-faceted restaurant and depending on which entrance you faced, there were different cuisines for your ordering pleasure.
Desiree Koh: Cooks whipping up orders extremely quickly without sacrificing on quality.
Desiree Koh: Curries for the pratas.
Desiree Koh: Teh tarik (tea pull) is a local tradition of pouring freshly-brewed tea from high up to cool it a little, so you're not pouring buckets drinking a hot beverage in the Singaporean weather.
Desiree Koh: Frothy, as a result, the original bubble tea.
Desiree Koh: Over on the Mediterranean side, this dude slices a kebab (but he was posing for me).
Desiree Koh: Bisteak goreng, went very well with prata.
Desiree Koh: Roti John -- baguette fried on a griddle and filled with ground beef, onions, egg, lettuce and slathered with chilli sauce and bad cheese.
Desiree Koh: Aldrina's favorite dish -- nasi ayam something something.
Desiree Koh: Kevin's mee goreng Pattaya -- Thai reference for how the fried noodles were served wrapped in an omelet.
Desiree Koh: I couldn't resist satay. I almost feel like I could do a satay event again, but it has to be good satay.
Desiree Koh: My Prata Bomb.
Desiree Koh: Yanming's chocolate prata tepee.