Desiree Koh: 8.5.Cubs stand
Desiree Koh: 8.5.1.Cubs stand
Desiree Koh: 8.5.Peanuts
Desiree Koh: 8.5.Marquee
Desiree Koh: 8.5.Dixie
Desiree Koh: 8.5.Scoreboard
Desiree Koh: 8.5.Bleachers
Desiree Koh: 8.5.Rightfield
Desiree Koh: 8.5.Ryno
Desiree Koh: 8.5.Woody
Desiree Koh: 5.7.D'agz
Desiree Koh: 7.5.LP and me
Desiree Koh: 5.7.1.D'agz
Desiree Koh: 7.5.3.D'Agz
Desiree Koh: 5.7.LP and me
Desiree Koh: 5.7.Phillies game
Desiree Koh: 5.7.1.Cubs vs. Phillies
Desiree Koh: 5.7.Cubs vs. Phillies
Desiree Koh: 6.11.Cubs and Red Sox
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Prior Ready
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Prior Set
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Prior Fire
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Prior
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Warm-up
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Anthem
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Wild Bill and Ronnie
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Wild Bill and Ronnie 1
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Wild Bill and Ronnie and Woody
Desiree Koh: 7.1.Italian Hot Spot