Desiree Koh: Kebab guy extolling the virtues of his meat-on-skewers.
Desiree Koh: I've always said it: The best satay in the world comes from Singapore. We have it down pat.
Desiree Koh: This lady had cooked all sorts of home-made dishes for sale, such as this squid in sambal sauce.
Desiree Koh: And also this stewed liver, which we bought.
Desiree Koh: BBQ'd quail. Bye bye birdie.
Desiree Koh: Roti John is buttered baguette on a griddle, cooked the same way as grilled cheese, except that it's adorned with egg, spices and meat. You eat it with mayo and ketchup.
Desiree Koh: Malay bak kwa grilling. It's halal, so not made of pork like the Chinese version.
Desiree Koh: The Ramly burger is a phenomenon in this part of the world. Originated by a burger chain called Ramly, you can find it everywhere now, particularly at night markets like this one.
Desiree Koh: The sign said "Japanese pizza."
Desiree Koh: I love this, a pancake native to Singapore.
Desiree Koh: Here it is cooking.
Desiree Koh: Ketupat, a rice cake that goes with anything that has gravy.
Desiree Koh: I'm not sure what this is, but it sure looked delicious.