Prance & Swagger:
chloe! your hair!!
Prance & Swagger:
Prance & Swagger:
the brunettes
Prance & Swagger:
viva la blondes
Prance & Swagger:
brighid, you always win the cute contest.
Prance & Swagger:
captain's seat
Prance & Swagger:
Prance & Swagger:
Prance & Swagger:
obviously the end of a very long night. i'm pretty sure we thought we were being sexy.
Prance & Swagger:
we thought this was a good idea, too.
Prance & Swagger:
soto n' me
Prance & Swagger:
Prance & Swagger:
viva la blondes
Prance & Swagger:
the blue eyed blondes
Prance & Swagger:
new do
Prance & Swagger:
look ma, one sock, one foot, 40 beers and i can still walk a straight line!!
Prance & Swagger:
me and miss b
Prance & Swagger:
i'm not sure why this photo exists