designwallah: A glass of Montepulciano as big as my head (64.363)
designwallah: Tiny Toad
designwallah: 2 Jersey Avenue
designwallah: 254-365 jours de la Tour Eiffel / Francis Mariani. Paris par Georges Riat, 1942 (un livre trouvé dans le Jardin Mozart à Nice). 2023.
designwallah: 1270 A
designwallah: Self Reflection on a Ford Mustang Mach-E
designwallah: 111-365 jours de la Tour Eiffel / View-Master Eiffel
designwallah: Condo construction in winter
designwallah: Near Arco Rosário
designwallah: Camel cigarette in caustic
designwallah: The sky and clouds from the ninth floor
designwallah: ✴︎
designwallah: Elisa Diptych
designwallah: Music no more
designwallah: Solair chair abstract – Blue
designwallah: Amigos en rojo y azul
designwallah: Moist Cross 1
designwallah: Beauty on the Street
designwallah: Volcanic Rock / Pacific Ocean
designwallah: Joe Fafard, Princesse Louise (1988)
designwallah: Frosted
designwallah: Mosaic
designwallah: A Canadian Brick
designwallah: Superficial Damages
designwallah: A terrace for Affair restaurante and bar
designwallah: Standard Mail Box
designwallah: Stencil Cat
designwallah: Spiralling downwards