designtaylor: Jesse makes quick work of her hard work
designtaylor: UN Council
designtaylor: Together, the rule the world
designtaylor: That's it, I'm done carrying this damn thing
designtaylor: Jose & Mel
designtaylor: Bryan ponders the answer
designtaylor: and so it was done
designtaylor: Let's explore over there
designtaylor: What did you say about France?!?
designtaylor: ready...
designtaylor: Sunshine day
designtaylor: Skeptical
designtaylor: this guy...
designtaylor: and another thing...
designtaylor: ay dios mio
designtaylor: you see this chin strap, that's right
designtaylor: Mexican, Austrian relations
designtaylor: Girls love hats
designtaylor: Party likes it's 1799
designtaylor: You know, a little wine, some cheese, the usual
designtaylor: Now, how do drink this wine
designtaylor: This is where the real croissants come from
designtaylor: Watch the wind
designtaylor: I'm going down
designtaylor: American, French, and Korean relations... awkward
designtaylor: America & France finally bury the hatchet
designtaylor: Ha ha, I have you now Frenchman