designtaylor: Don't cook it to 140 degrees
designtaylor: Pumpkin cookies cooling
designtaylor: Butter up that turkey
designtaylor: The before shot
designtaylor: Pre-game
designtaylor: Can someone make me a headdress?
designtaylor: Wait, what about this?
designtaylor: Jason plots his construction paper costume
designtaylor: Lincoln the lap dog
designtaylor: Snacks & Crafts
designtaylor: When do we eat
designtaylor: Three paper head
designtaylor: Play time
designtaylor: Jose adding feather # 87
designtaylor: Craft time
designtaylor: A flurry of construction paper
designtaylor: Jose uses up the staples
designtaylor: Holly and her chic crow feather
designtaylor: Lincoln models Will's headdress
designtaylor: Sunset at Agave
designtaylor: Where da turkey at?
designtaylor: Life is good
designtaylor: Can we get some more bottles
designtaylor: Jose full of turkey
designtaylor: Last of the Rowhicans
designtaylor: Over here guys?
designtaylor: So what happened to the other pilgrims?
designtaylor: My new friends
designtaylor: To the left