School of Design Strategies: Sarah Hyland - "Make Believable"
School of Design Strategies: Sarah Hyland - "Make Believable"
School of Design Strategies: Students and critics
School of Design Strategies: Melany Au - "Parsons Fashion Design: Technique vs. Creativity"
School of Design Strategies: Students and critics
School of Design Strategies: Samantha Wong - "NOVEL NYC: Your Library of Looks"
School of Design Strategies: Nina Damato - "Sensing the City: Slowness through Sound"
School of Design Strategies: Chelsea Lopez - "A World Constructed"
School of Design Strategies: Natasha Maqsood - "A System for Dialogue"
School of Design Strategies: Alex Perweiler - "Untitled"
School of Design Strategies: Katherine O'Brien - "In the Lupe"
School of Design Strategies: Rudya Sohn - "Reimagine"
School of Design Strategies: Yao Chang - "45 Yards Blue Lines"
School of Design Strategies: David Lao - "journey"
School of Design Strategies: Kyle Donovan - "Parsons & Chiropractic Design"
School of Design Strategies: Students and critics