Kristin Myers Harvey: Portrait of William Lowndes Esq
Kristin Myers Harvey: She reminded me a bit of a 18th century Hermione...
Kristin Myers Harvey: LOVE the hat. Such a cute hat. Can I borrow that hat?
Kristin Myers Harvey: Norwich, England! Woot!
Kristin Myers Harvey: Thames at night ...
Kristin Myers Harvey: Live strong. Really?
Kristin Myers Harvey: Yale's library. Don't you feel smarter looking at it?
Kristin Myers Harvey: Who's that guy?
Kristin Myers Harvey: Each window had one of these.
Kristin Myers Harvey: I had Hatch - he has the Yale Library's Babylonian 45,000 tablets and objects.
Kristin Myers Harvey: This woman knows her stuff...and randomly starts talking in German. It was incredible.
Kristin Myers Harvey: Yea. Crazy. The floor below is reinforced for all this ... clay.
Kristin Myers Harvey: He's determined to read someone's 4,000 year old receipt for grain.
Kristin Myers Harvey: Behold ... the oldest thing I have ever held.