Kristin Myers Harvey: IMG_5288.JPG
Kristin Myers Harvey: Me and the van
Kristin Myers Harvey: Infront of the apartment complex
Kristin Myers Harvey: The Strip - Vegas
Kristin Myers Harvey: dead tree and rocks
Kristin Myers Harvey: rocks and brush
Kristin Myers Harvey: "Drowsy Drivers" pull off
Kristin Myers Harvey: Interstate 15 though Utah
Kristin Myers Harvey: Uncle Andrew cleans up
Kristin Myers Harvey: Introducing Gracey
Kristin Myers Harvey: Malcolm is new and big!
Kristin Myers Harvey: My favorites
Kristin Myers Harvey: Cousin Malcom with Andrew, Lynda and Rena
Kristin Myers Harvey: No photos please
Kristin Myers Harvey: Loving Colorado Light
Kristin Myers Harvey: Real light is better photoshop
Kristin Myers Harvey: Bringing the coffee table with
Kristin Myers Harvey: and be gracious to you
Kristin Myers Harvey: the LORD make his face shine upon you
Kristin Myers Harvey: Scrub-a-dub-dub
Kristin Myers Harvey: Harvey family