kurki15: #zentangle 2015-060, "One Zentangle A Day" day 28 featuring Sez and Eke with a titch of Tipple, Shattuck and Fasset while dealing with a significant chronic pain flare.
kurki15: #Zentangle 2015-055, "One Zentangle A Day" day 27 featuring Meer, Enyshou, and Reef with a touch of tipple. On #tangledharmony mandala template 3 if memory serves.
kurki15: #Zentangle 2015-052, #zendaladare number 97 with striping, black pearls, shattuck and nekton.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-051 shaded, Days 25 & 26, "One Zentangle A Day."
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-050, "One Zentangle A Day" Day 24, more info at OZAD Day 24 | Without an Eraser http://sanserasers.wordpress.com/2015/02/19/ozad-day-24/
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-048, "One Zentangle A Day" day 23 featuring Kathy's Dilemma and Flux tangleation. I finished it with some normal Flux, Fescue and N'Zeppel.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-047, "One Zentangle A Day" day 22. I love other people's organic tangles but I can't seem to like mine. I very much dislike days that have strongly organic patterns to learn :-/
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-044 I was ahead of my one a day by several tiles so have been playing in my sketchbook and slowly picking away at this one. I really like my starting string I came up with for this one.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-040, "One Zentangle A Day" day 21 featuring paradox and b'tweed. Unfortunately I ended up with a couple pretty major pen slips, but I like the bones!
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-040, yesterday's tile for "One Zentangle A Day" day 20. There were a few oopses on this one. One I ignored, one I made a variation to cover and the last was that I should have left well enough alone and stopped before adding in flux. #live
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-039, "One Zentangle A Day" day 19 tile featuring Rain (with some tipple), Cubine and Beeline with my first dewdrop enhancer. I think dewdrop would pop better with a grid based pattern that isn't already heavily shaded, though I did make se
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-036, day 18 of " One Zentangle A Day." I <3 curvilinear geometric patterns. I used a pincushion barrel distortion, though placing gneiss over the center kind of tampered it a bit. I morphed cadent into the triangular form that is denser to
kurki15: Yesterday's tile, #zentangle 2015-035, day 17 of "One Zentangle A Day." Not fond of this one. It wasn't very zen for me to use the three patterns of the day together. A roll of the dice had me using Tangle Pattern's String 060.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-034, "One Zentangle A Day" day 15. I'm finding I like learning/practicing the patterns one day and doing the tile the next. This one features pepper, squid and ynix with some tipple, mooka, and festune thrown in.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-033, "One Zentangle A Day" day 15 featuring locar (with tipple), verdigogh and yincut. Love yincut! Hate locar and maybe could learn to love verdigogh. I used string 037 from TanglePatterns.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-031, "One Zentangle A Day" day 14. As usual, I jumped right in a tried to do chainging around tight corners right on a tile. When will I learn? I used TanglePattern string 12 for this one.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-028, "One Zentangle A Day" days 12 & 13, deconstructing patterns to flow from one to another - Bales to Chilon to Florz. I used string 140 from TanglePatterns.
kurki15: First time tangling on black! Just messed around with a scrap piece to get accustomed to the wider pen tip. #zentangle
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-027, decided to give yesterday's patterns another go at a smaller scale. Also, kept Echoism simpler. Still not a favorite, but I like this one much better than last night's!
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-026, stepping out of my comfort zone and going larger scale with "One Zentangle A Day" day 10 patterns, Echoism, Finery and Fluke. Not loving it :-(
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-025, made last night with Vega (need to learn how to so that one on harder curves as well as ending it) and Plurk from "One Zentangle A Day" Day 8, plus BB. I think I nailed the shading even though I totally biffed Vega.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-024, of course after the four exploratory exercises for "One Zentangle A Day" my official tile is probably my least favorite thing I did. Ha! Figures!
kurki15: Another try at tangellations that mostly ended up as a tile design. Oops! #zentangle #onezentangleadaybook
kurki15: Another "tangellation" that kind of turned into a notebook #zentangle tile. Part of day 7's lesson in "One Zentangle A Day."
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-023, "One Zentangle A Day" day 6, mooka, amaze and flux with a sprinkle of static and printemps. I hated this one at so many points. I don't hate it now that it is shaded, but I don't love it either.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-022, "One Zentangle A Day" day 5 where I learned isochor and printemps (again) and adding sparkle to tangles (which needs practice).
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-021, "One Zentangle A Day" day 4, featuring shattuck, nipa, and jonqual. I kind of blended my shattuck with yesterday's festune.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-020, "One Zentangle a Day" day 3 tile, a day late because of the class I took yesterday. Being forced to work with these more organic shapes is helping be a bit looser in following my string.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-017, not so thrilled with today's, I think due to the string I used. Oh well, perhaps it will grow on me. The darkness in the bottom right is shadow from photographing after sunset.
kurki15: #zentangle 2015-16, day one of "A Zentangle A Day." I did this one last night, but couldn't photograph it until daylight.