kurki15: Stash Diving for the Tale of 2 Slippers KAL
kurki15: Stash Diving for the Tale of 2 Slippers KAL
kurki15: Stash Diving for the Tale of 2 Slippers KAL
kurki15: Annotated Masala Construction
kurki15: More Masala Construction Annotation
kurki15: Pick Up Bar Between First & Second Stitch of Heel Flap
kurki15: Pick Up Bar Between The Selvedge Stitch and the Next Stitch of Heel Flap
kurki15: Once Picked Up - Knit It
kurki15: Check Your Progress
kurki15: Place Marker and CO for Edging As Directed
kurki15: Place Marker and CO for Edging As Directed
kurki15: Ready to Knit Sides/Sole of Slipper
kurki15: Pick Up and Purl Stitches
kurki15: Pemberly Slipper Ready for Side/Sole
kurki15: Pick Up and Purl on WS of Heel Flap
kurki15: Masala Slipper Diagram
kurki15: Ready to Set Up the Vamp of Pemberley