kurki15: Prairie Dog
kurki15: Praire Dog's Wireless Network
kurki15: "Get Up and Bring Me My Beer!"
kurki15: Red-winged Blackbird
kurki15: Red-winged Blackbird on Prairie
kurki15: Wild Rose with Bee
kurki15: Western Meadowlark
kurki15: Thistle Again
kurki15: Chris Taking a Picture
kurki15: Puffball
kurki15: Praire
kurki15: Thistle Bloom
kurki15: Butterfly
kurki15: Knitting a Sock on the Deck
kurki15: The Upper Trail
kurki15: Evidence of Plate Activity
kurki15: Lamb's Ear
kurki15: Sounding the Alarm
kurki15: Furry Friend in Camo
kurki15: Just Taking a Peep
kurki15: Blurred Chris
kurki15: Yucca In Various Stages of Blooming
kurki15: Rock Outcrop