philgribbon: from "A" in heathrow I really wanted to find an equivalent "to B" point in newark. alas, no
philgribbon: airports have the most wonderful concentration of little people's potential
philgribbon: who's watching the bagmen?
philgribbon: a big bridge
philgribbon: i found a parking spot in new york. do i win?
philgribbon: little man, big ad space
philgribbon: inexorable
philgribbon: dogs in jackets, and i mean everywhere
philgribbon: don't worry, everyone's desperate for just a little attention
philgribbon: remembering the importance of memories
philgribbon: New York
philgribbon: monodirectional street sign
philgribbon: something inside the traffic light boxes actually clunks when the lights change. i dont know what happens inside.
philgribbon: good old kate, keeping it real and representing for the common man
philgribbon: ok so your skyline might be better than ours. but watch out, asia will still kick your ass
philgribbon: he stole that hat
philgribbon: good lord, that's why i don't travel west
philgribbon: i wouldn't say that new york excels at street food. but at least their marketing is straight forward enough
philgribbon: no cents coming from the us treasury
philgribbon: good advice for anyone
philgribbon: punch drunk love
philgribbon: this is what i wore to the semantic web conference
philgribbon: please dont tread on the hipsters
philgribbon: pizza box theology
philgribbon: got caught out by the options here
philgribbon: love the directness
philgribbon: departing grand central
philgribbon: more smoking men than women here, i'd say
philgribbon: pointy
philgribbon: building something in new york