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The roaring, small but mighty waterfall
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Santa Fe Canyon Preserve - Nature Conservancy
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View to the ponds... Santa Fe Canyon Preserve, New Mexico - Nature Conservancy
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Crossing at the falls - Santa Fe River - Santa Fe Canyon Preserve - Nature Conservancy
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waterfall bench
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Second river crossing - more like a stream than a river.
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hidden bench
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View from the waterfall bench
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through the trees to the ponds
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Signature New Mexico color
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Northern New Mexico field and riparian area.
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A magical place - the path to the falls.
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On the way back
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Third water crossing - next to the falls.
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Still crossing... slowly, deeper here.
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Crossing - looks easy enough.
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on the way to the waterfall - single track through the grasses
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Looking back at the Audubon Center... the start of the trail.
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Path to the Falls - high desert field between riparian zones
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Release channel
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You take the high road or ... the low road?
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With the rains come the grasses, along the path.
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Me first... across the first river crossing - going for it with Cathy and Fred, strangers just met...
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First water crossing - Santa Fe River - thinking about it.
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First water crossing - a surprise
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creature resting
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welcoming? trail greeter
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Harmless enough... he looks tired.
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And where did this come from?
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Trail Greeter