desert native: view from the other lot
desert native: Hawthorne - west end
desert native: empty deck at dusk
desert native: 'round and 'round she goes…
desert native: from where I sit - Hawthorne
desert native: September evening light
desert native: I thought they had left for the rest of the year.
desert native: and to all a 'good night'
desert native: end of the day - time to rest
desert native: Now what?
desert native: Time to move?
desert native: safe and sound?
desert native: looking for junior
desert native: just the right spot
desert native: separatist movement
desert native: Ipomopsis sp.
desert native: Ipomopsis sp.
desert native: barberry and aster
desert native: colors of fall in the forest
desert native: changing forest floor
desert native: Fall on the forest floor
desert native: spent… but still intriguing
desert native: Bouteloua gracilis inflorescence
desert native: bloomin' eyebrow
desert native: one with the forest
desert native: forest reflection - self-portrait
desert native: reflection of joy
desert native: Busted! Munching on veggies.