desertmariah: Monkey on statue
desertmariah: GIANT SQUIRREL
desertmariah: Monkey
desertmariah: Pooped-out GIANT SQUIRREL
desertmariah: Pooped-out GIANT SQUIRREL
desertmariah: Look at those eyebrows!!!!
desertmariah: Stork!
desertmariah: Looks kinda like a law prof
desertmariah: Another stork
desertmariah: Baby crocs
desertmariah: Baby croc makin a run for it
desertmariah: Crocodile smile
desertmariah: From the front
desertmariah: Crocodile smile 2
desertmariah: Monkey with coconut
desertmariah: Storks on top of a tree
desertmariah: Baby monkeys
desertmariah: Another otter
desertmariah: My new monkey friend
desertmariah: Monkey-human diplomat shot
desertmariah: Post-lunch hammock
desertmariah: Frightening local herbal wine
desertmariah: Betel nut leaf prep
desertmariah: Betel nuts, limestone
desertmariah: Leaves
desertmariah: Leaves with limestone and nut
desertmariah: Final result