Jason DeRusha: The old and the new
Jason DeRusha: Cutting the Holes For the Switcher
Jason DeRusha: Prepping for the New HD Switcher
Jason DeRusha: How many guys does it take...
Jason DeRusha: Installing the HD Switcher
Jason DeRusha: New Flat Screen Monitors
Jason DeRusha: Two! Two! Switchers!
Jason DeRusha: Dual Switching the Noon Show
Jason DeRusha: WCCO HD Control Room
Jason DeRusha: WCCO Control Room
Jason DeRusha: HD Newsroom Set Wideshot
Jason DeRusha: Ikegami HD
Jason DeRusha: HD Newsroom Camera
Jason DeRusha: Hi-Def Switcher Buttons
Jason DeRusha: New HD Switcher
Jason DeRusha: New Switcher
Jason DeRusha: HD Wiring
Jason DeRusha: Still Installing
Jason DeRusha: HD Studio Camera