Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Model - Yejidae
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Artist - Uzziah
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: I love High Key...
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: This is the Last of the White High key Background Shots Until.....
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Tasha....I call this one the Dark and Lovely
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Hedayah...I call her light Bright
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Hedayah & Tasha
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Fran_white_dress
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: I am as free as I wanna be
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Fran.....taken with 24-70mm at 55mm
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Fran......taken with 24-70mm @58mm
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Fran-Post Process
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: I love the guys that come out with me time and time again on these shoots. They have all seen the growth and for that I am extremely greatful! 23/366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Model Allyse......