Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Happy New Year!!!
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Mr Signature......relaxing 3 of 366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: My Fiancee' took this....She thinks flickr is the devil...lol day 4 of 366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: She is my 366 24/7........Day 5 of 366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Spiritual Food is necessary to the growth of the Soul ....Day 6 of 366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: I will use my hands take a firm hold on the creative.......7 of 366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Productography for Nikon......8 of 366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Up Close Cross Processed....14/366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Return of The MAc....lol My new Tripod 15/366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: 17 of 366 my work space
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Mr SD. Taken by my trusty assistants....Tasha and Kema.....Day 20/366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Information...Food for Extreme Thought 21/366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: Spring Thing!....designing 32/366
Bujudar aka Mr. Signature: bored........35/366