DerrickT: The Umquhile Shadow-Paraphernalia With Hands-on Ripening
DerrickT: A Preconditioned Macro of Amber Sitting on The Front Steps of An Old Abandoned Church
DerrickT: returned to my residue to then be distilled again
DerrickT: The Globe of Non-Breathing
DerrickT: distorted figure B
DerrickT: half-extinguished light
DerrickT: You All Take Pieces of My Heart
DerrickT: Shadows Becoming Reduplicative Compounds
DerrickT: Umami
DerrickT: she is really the bush and the snickersnee is being sucked from a puckered surface
DerrickT: A Prism of Shadows: Self-portrait in Front of A Brick Wall
DerrickT: the hmm against a mirror
DerrickT: faceneck
DerrickT: lid(eye)understretch, . ./ . . --- / *
DerrickT: dying thoughts near a window II
DerrickT: everything's exactly how you left it
DerrickT: dying thoughts near a window III
DerrickT: dying thoughts near a window
DerrickT: Quondam Décolleté
DerrickT: The Remote Silica of Irregular Eyes and Jittery Bones
DerrickT: Monomania-Light and Its Grand Narrator
DerrickT: If You Disappear, I Will Sacrifice Myself To An Exoskeleton and Be Devoured By The Remaining Light
DerrickT: A lesser-Fatigue, Lacing Breath's Essential Replay
DerrickT: Careful With That Razor's Edge
DerrickT: My Frothing: Pressure-Heated like Semicolons Without Complete Sentences
DerrickT: Derrickatu, Phantom der Nacht