derklbot: Place the mask over your face before placing it over the face of your small manchild
derklbot: The American dream. An airport bathroom all to myself.
derklbot: Dulles ghosttown
derklbot: America closes at 9pm. Beat it!
derklbot: Shiny hate
derklbot: I made it into the design museum.
derklbot: That's a lot of blokes.
derklbot: Steak tease.
derklbot: Billboard leftovers near the tower bridge
derklbot: You should see the other guy!
derklbot: These tasted gross. I don't understand this country.
derklbot: Watch set. My work here is done.
derklbot: Still accurate. Thanks timex!
derklbot: Clock tease.
derklbot: Score!!!!
derklbot: The swirling of the guard
derklbot: Would you believe I only had to make fart sounds to crack up the guard?
derklbot: Glock tease.
derklbot: Had a fantastic time at Bath with Claudius.
derklbot: I figured out its secret. I don't want to spoil it for anyone but I'll tell you this-- It's FILTHY!
derklbot: Batteryhenge
derklbot: Well hello guv'ner!
derklbot: Sheephenge
derklbot: Calvinism is still strong in the UK.
derklbot: "beds"_ for_ "sale"
derklbot: At the Rough Trade shoppe
derklbot: Wall of earthly delights
derklbot: The creepiest room in England.
derklbot: I'm speechless. Please caption this photo for me.
derklbot: "man's best friend"