derickrethans: Start of the Walk at Great Langdale
derickrethans: Slightly up the (Steep) Hill
derickrethans: Easedale
derickrethans: Temporary Tarn
derickrethans: Temporary Tarn from the Other Side through the Fog
derickrethans: Top of Blea Rigg
derickrethans: Sheep Playing Hide and Seek
derickrethans: Sickle Tarn (in the Clouds)
derickrethans: The Saved Mancunians (and Kevin)
derickrethans: Sickle Tarn (in the Clouds)
derickrethans: Down the Hill back into Great Langdale
derickrethans: Down the Hill back into Great Langdale with Steps
derickrethans: Waterfall with Authentic Rain Drops on the Lens
derickrethans: Waterfall with Authentic Rain Drops on the Lens
derickrethans: Back Down in the Valley
derickrethans: Typical House in the Lakes
derickrethans: Sourmilk Gill and Waterfall
derickrethans: Easedale
derickrethans: Sourmilk Gill
derickrethans: Sourmilk Gill into Easedale
derickrethans: Waterfall in Sourmilk Tarn
derickrethans: On the Flats near the Tarn
derickrethans: Easedale Tarn
derickrethans: Easedale Tarn panorama
derickrethans: Back Down into Easedale
derickrethans: Lookback at Easedale Tarn
derickrethans: Postbox