derickrethans: Scottdor
derickrethans: Navy pier
derickrethans: Guns at navy pier
derickrethans: Ze Pirates
derickrethans: Water tube
derickrethans: Downtown Chicago
derickrethans: Downtown Chicago
derickrethans: Downtown Chicago
derickrethans: Downtown Chicago
derickrethans: Downtown Chicago
derickrethans: Downtown Chicago
derickrethans: Downtown Chicago
derickrethans: Downtown Chicago
derickrethans: Anna with Elephpant
derickrethans: Andrei talking about closures
derickrethans: The Priebschmeister
derickrethans: Helgi before the phplage
derickrethans: Ligaya giving her talk
derickrethans: Graham (with trimmed beard)
derickrethans: Elizabeth
derickrethans: Me (looking rather tired)
derickrethans: Maggie giving her talk
derickrethans: phpwomen shoot
derickrethans: d32_6101
derickrethans: Cal looking surprised
derickrethans: Cal and (two of his) girls
derickrethans: The phpwoman boothbabes